To celebrate the release of the new action-comedy movie, “The Union,” starring Wahlburgers’ co-founder Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry, a special combo will be available to fans. The film features an unexpected yet dynamic partnership between a super-spy (Berry) and an everyman (Wahlberg).
WHAT: “The Union Combo,” includes Our Burger—a 100% certified Angus beef burger with government cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, and Chef Paul’s signature Wahl Sauce, served with crispy Tater Tots and a Housemade Shake, all for *$13.95. This combo mirrors the film’s theme of unexpected yet delightful pairings.
WHEN: “The Union” premieres on Netflix Aug. 16, and “The Union Combo” will be available at Wahlburgers from Aug. 5-26.
WHERE: Participating Wahlburgers locations across the U.S.
*Pricing may vary by location.