Community bonds run strong at the Ohio restaurant.

Local Roots is located in the heart of quaint downtown Powell, Ohio. From our beginning in 2009, Local Roots’ philosophy has been rooted in our commitment to our community. We pride ourselves on growing our roots in the farm community year after year. Because of our dedication to this principle, we believe that our food is infinitely better because we work closely with local farmers, brewers, distillers and vendors.

Displayed on our front wall when you walk in the doors of Local Roots is a map of Ohio. It showcases our local partnerships in the state. We are truly proud of the bonds that we have grown over the years.

Our commitment to local grows deeper every year. In 2012, we purchased land close to the restaurant, and L.R. Farms was born. On the farm we raise honeybees and use their honey for our salad dressings, and we sell directly to our clients. We also raise chickens and use the eggs in some amazing menu items at the restaurant. Additionally, we have a two-acre garden where we grow the freshest produce to bring to our guests. We encourage our Chef to pick special produce to plant on our farm and we showcase them on our “Weekly Feature” menu. On the Farm, we further our local ties by teaming with interns from area colleges. We help them gain their credit hours for their college courses and we develop better relationships.

The relationships that Local Roots has built over the years have had a direct impact with each of the vendors that we use. Our variety of needs help to grow our business and strengthen our ties in the community. One farmer we have a great relationship with has been vocal in their thankfulness of our relationship. Pencil Bison Ranch from Urban, Ohio, has a wonderful product and it has become one of our best-selling items. Our relationship among farm-to-restaurant has blossomed to benefit both of us.

Our clients are very loyal to Local Roots and our vendors. We often hear from our guests about enjoying a day trip on the weekend to see Pencil Bison’s ranch and buy directly from them. Pencil Bison has mentioned that in the summer months, they typically have three to four Local Roots clients come to visit their ranch on the weekends.

Every year that we are open, we are forming new relationships with vendors of all sorts. We have been working with a subscription flower farm. We have partnered with them as a location place for distribution of their bouquets. We help promote them and they help promote us! We each win and grow deeper in the community that we love and live in.

At the end of the day, Local Roots truly believes that the nutritional value of produce and proteins being grown and raised close to home is abundantly better for you. Not only that, but our guests get to savor the explosion of flavors these locally grown items provide. Our bonds to our Powell community and our local vendors have grown deeper over the years, as has our love of Ohio.

Chef Profiles, Expert Takes, Feature, Menu Innovations