In 2008 Garland introduced its first HE Broiler, promising greater energy efficiency and unparalleled temperature consistency across the entire surface. As a result the broiler earned a 2008 Kitchen Innovation Award.

Garland recently announced that it upgraded this award-winning technology with upgrades to controls, chassis construction, heat management, and distribution.

The Garland HE Broiler is designed to provide two benefits that are uncommon with most open-fire broilers. The first is energy efficiency. The last concern for most broiler designs is the first consideration for Garland. Broilers are notorious for high energy consumption so with this in mind Garland optimized the temperature of the broiler across the surface of the grill to achieve better, more consistent cooking results, reducing energy consumption—up to 28 percent. For chains this represents serious cost savings. 

The second major difference is consistent temperature achieved across the surface of the grill. The temperature variance across the surface of the Garland HE Broiler is less than 5 percent. Garland distributes heat through the HE Broiler using super-efficient cast iron burners. The heat distribution system design delivers this heat precisely for maximum temperature consistency.

The biggest benefit to better heat distribution is productivity. When more of the grill is available for the complete cooking cycle, greater capacity is the result. Consistency improves too. With less variance, a chef can count on the amount of time that it takes to achieve the results they're looking for. Restaurants that rely on kitchen staff for this task benefit from surface temperature consistency by making it easier to specify a cooking process and to train staff.

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